Booklists are something that can produce a rant from me in seconds.
I cannot say how many times I have come across a booklist intended for children that
has not been updated for years (sometimes decades). Indeed I have seen
booklists with suggestions that would not have been out of place in my own
schooldays, over 40 years ago.
This is, in my opinion, really lazy and shoddy. It is vital that children are given the opportunity
to discover the best new writing that is available for them. There is, of course, a place for classics but it is shameful that the same list is churned out year after year by people who claim to know about children's literature.
Every year I set up a booklist for the new Y7 students. This
is annotated with a short description of the book. (I have yet another rant about
booklists that are mere lists but shall not indulge myself this time.) I do not include
popular authors as I believe that my job is to encourage pupils to read as
widely as possible - they will find the popular writers by themselves, it is up
to me to introduce them to others. My colleague and I have had many discussions
about our booklists (her particular list will be available later this term and
is intended for Upper School, Y10 and above.) We are of the firm opinion that
our lists are suggestions for reading and should not be considered definitive or prescriptive. We are firmly for choice in reading for pleasure.
For the first time we are linking with the
Public Libraries' Summer Reading Challenge and following their Creepy House
theme. There are two books that are definitely not creepy just in case it is too much for anyone. We are in the process of developing an exciting aid support book choice from this list- I
shall keep you posted!
Two books missing from the main picture, both on loan at the moment.
Two books missing from the main picture, both on loan at the moment.